Jitterbug Improver Classes

Improver Classes at the Royal British Legion Club Ferndown BH22 9PE

Plenty of free parking

2023 Thursdays 8-11pm

2024 Tuesday nights 8-11pm

The JitterbugJive Improver class at 8pm covers a variety of Swing Jive, Lindy Hop and Lindy Charleston moves for you to look fabulous on the dance floor. Each night we teach a number of moves step by step and put them together in a short routine.  There’s ample time to practice and to help you memorise and practice out of the class we encourage participants to video the nights routine for their own use. Singles and couples are all welcome and partner rotation ensures that you develop your lead and follow skills, however if a couple do wish to stay together they may do so.

The improver class aim is to add that extra razzle dazzle to your dancing so although we teach short routines the emphasis is on freestyle social dancing playing specific attention to styling and looking good on the dance floor. Cost is £6 pay-as-you-go for the evening and you may pay by card, phone or cash.

Lessons are taught by Linda and Den who are both qualified adult teachers and fitness professionals and have been teaching Swing dancing since 2000. They also lead the JitterbugJive dance troupe who perform at some major festivals in the UK including the Isle of Wight Music festival and the Royal International Air Tattoo plus much more.

No booking is required  but if you are new to swing dancing then we ask that you attend our beginner course or workshop prior to coming to the improver class.

For more info please email info@jitterbugjive.co.uk or visit our website at  http://www.jitterbugjive.co.uk and we have a short video of our dance troupe in action at http://www.jitterbugjive.co.uk/promovideo7.mp4

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